Starts At $475
This service is to get your pool ready and protected for the winter freeze ahead.
up to 20’x40’ pool, larger may require a quote
We sell new saftey covers! We would be happy to give you a quote.
About service
Install winter safety cover
Blow water out of lines
Drain pool to the appropriate level
Install winter plugs
Put in winter chemicals
Remove ladder and handrail
Remove drain plugs from equipment
Identify any issues that may need attention in the spring
Additional fees/services
Attached spa/Spillover spa (includes one additional pump) $75
Drain spa to plug main drains (if equipment is below water level) $25
Additional pumps (water features, spa booster, deck jets) $75
Removal of equipment if desired (pump, salt cell, chlorinator, etc.) $50
Filter deep cleaning (cartridge or DE) $95
Vacuum pool prior to closing $95
Cable system $50 up to 10 ft each additional foot $2/ft
Anchor replacments
Heater enclosure cleaning $125
Pools with tarp and water bag covers $75
Re-visit due to not being able to close pool $75
This service is to get your pool ready and protected for the winter freeze ahead.
About service
Install winter cover
Remove hoses
Drain pool to the appropriate level
Install winter plugs
Put in winter chemicals
Remove ladder and handrail
Remove drain plugs from equipment
Identify any issues that may need attention in the spring
Additional fees/services
New covers and pillows availiable for purchase
Pool with hard plumbing that requires a blower $50
New cable and winch $25
Windproof stretch wrap over cover's edge $55
Filter deep cleaning (cartridge or DE) $95
Vacuum pool prior to closing $95
Pools with cover securement other than cable and winch (ex. tying ropes to deck, water bag covers) $75
Heater enclosure cleaning $125
Re-visit due to not being able to close pool $75